The Iowa Commission for the Blind consists of three members appointed by the governor for three-year terms . It determines the policies  that will  be carried out by the Iowa Department for the Blind. 

Current Commission Board Members

Member: Amy Salger 
Member: Michael Hoenig
Member:  Sara Coleman

Board Meetings

Commission board meetings are held regularly, generally four times per year. Commission members agree upon times, dates and location of the next calendar year’s meetings at the September meeting.

Meeting Packets

Board packet materials are distributed prior to the next meeting.

You may download content of board meeting packets here:

Board Packets

Board Minutes

Recordings and/or approved minutes from previous meetings, listed in chronological order from most recent to oldest.

Become a Commission Board Member

To apply to become a Commission Board member visit the Iowa Talent Bank website. For more information, contact the Iowa Commission for the Blind Secretary, Janice Eggers at