The Iowa Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) is seeking public comment on its draft of the State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL) 2025-2027. Under the draft plan, the Iowa Department for the Blind is no longer listed as a partner or member of the statewide Independent Living network. For more than 15 years, IDB had been included as a partner and had received approximately $64,000 in federal Part B funding annually. This funding allowed IDB to provide independent living training to individuals not served by our Older Individuals Who Are Blind (OIB) grant or VR grant. This included all blind and low vision Iowans who are not able to seek employment and are under the age of 55.  Under the current draft SPIL, IDB will no longer receive this funding. Without this federal grant, IDB will need to end or drastically scale back its IL Younger Blind Program on October 1, 2024.  If the SPIL is submitted in its current form, blind and low vision Iowans seeking independent living skills training will need to seek services from Centers for Independent Living. Currently Centers for Independent Living provide service in only 35 of Iowa's 99 counties. The Centers for Independent Living do not have the staff or training to provide the adjustment to blindness skill training or access technology that IDB provides. IDB's Independent Living Program provides service throughout the state.

The SPIL will be open for written public comment June 11, 2024 – July 10, 2024. This written comment period will allow Iowans with disabilities, Iowa Disability Organization representatives or advocates, and other stakeholders an opportunity to provide input and recommendations into the State Plan.


The draft plan can be viewed at this link:


Written comments and input regarding the draft SPIL may be emailed / submitted to: