Scott became blind at age 38 due to a genetic condition. After losing his job at Maytag, he knew that he needed services and training from the Iowa Department for the Blind in order to become gainfully employed once again. He began receiving some skills training in his home from the Department. However, he wanted more intensive training and enrolled in the Department's Orientation Center in 2005.
Scott spent nine months in the Center learning cane travel, Braille, computer and assistive technology skills, and home management. When he completed his Center training, he began working with the Department's Business Enterprise Program (BEP). The BEP provides opportunities for legally blind Iowans to manage their own food service businesses.
Scott is now a self-employed businessman operating vending sites at the Cedar Rapids post office and at a rest area off of interstate 380. He has reduced his dependence on social security disability benefits and increased his earnings and independence. In addition, he has hired one employee and is looking to hire another.