

Last Updated, 4/22


The purpose of this document is to set down some ground rules to ensure that everyone involved in VR field training understands the process, is communicating effectively, knows that they are part of a team, and is working together toward the stated training goals.


All clients, teachers and counselors will

  • Communicate immediately when a meeting needs to be rescheduled or cancelled.
  • Will respond to texts or phone calls within 3 working days.
  • Bring all necessary supplies and equipment to training sessions.
  • At the end of each session, agree upon independent work to be completed.
  • Review independent work at the beginning of each session.

VR Teachers will:

  • Document goal progress and independent work assigned and completed in each case note.
  • Communicate with VRC and client regarding goals and progress.

VR Counselors will:

  • Review case-notes of clients in VR training .
  • communicate with VRT
    and client regarding goals and progress.

Clients will:

We recognize that developing new skills takes time, effort, and practice. A certain amount of time utilizing a skill is necessary before someone becomes proficient with it.

  • Clients agree to take notes during the training session and use those notes while completing independent work.
  • Clients learning cane travel agree to carry their cane with them whenever they leave their house.
  • Clients learning braille agree to review what they have learned at least three times per week and attend a self-advocacy seminar at least twice per month.
  • Clients learning technology agree to use the device or software they are learning to use at least three times per week.
  • Clients agree to do their best to complete agreed upon independent work, and to reach out to their instructor if they get stuck.
  • Clients with loaner technology agree to use it at least three times a week and acknowledge that failure to use loaner technology may result in it needing to be returned for use by another client.

Cancellation Expectations

  • Failing to notify a VRT/RTS more than four hours in advance will be considered a “no show”.
  • Cancelling more than 1 appointment in a quarter will be considered a “repeat cancellation”.
  • Failing to complete assigned independent work communicating with the VRT/RTS prior to the training session more than once in a quarter will be considered “repeated neglect of independent work.
  • When a client has more than one "no show” and/or “repeat cancellation” or is in “neglect of independent work”, the VRT/RTS may request a meeting with the client and VRC. The meeting will be held as soon as possible to discuss the situation and how the team will proceed. The team will work together to create a plan for improvement with specific time frames. Failure to complete the plan for improvement may result in suspension of the VRT or RTS service until the plan for improvement is completed or other agreed upon terms are met.

Training Goals

Step 1: When making a referral, the VRC will list specific skill areas or goals that are necessary for the clients IPE, with a maximum of 3 initial goals/areas. While it is important to be as specific as possible, more general skill areas can be relevant if assessment is needed before being able to create specific goals.
Step 2: Prior to the first in-person meeting with a client, the VRT or RTS talks with the client about these goals in order to make an informed plan for the first lesson and bring any necessary materials. It is understood that plans may change once the instructor sees the client’s skill level in person.
Step 3: During the first in-person meeting, the instructor and client will complete any needed assessments and update the goals listed by the VRC into clear SMART goals. The VRC is welcome to be present for this meeting.
Step 4: After the meeting, the SMART goals will be sent to the client, VRT/RTS, and VRC, and entered into eFORCE with a Case Note subject of Training Plan, so that anyone can easily locate them.
Step 5: The VRT/RTS will use these goals in the creation of their lesson plans. independent work will be clearly related to these goals.

Note: The instructor, VRC and client can meet at any time to adjust these goals. While VRC presence at the meeting is not required, VRC input is essential when new goals are added to ensure they fit with a client’s IPE.

SMART Goals:

  • Specific - What exactly does the client need to learn.
  • Measurable - We need a clear measurement to be able to determine if the client is making progress and when the goal is met.
  • Achievable - Take the time to consider and discuss if there are any preliminary goals needed before the current goal. Does the client need to first type or use a slate?
  • Relevant/realistic - Is the goal related to the client’s vocational goal? Does it lead to skills needed by a person in that career field?
  • Time-Bound - How long should it take to complete this goal? Time frames can always be adjusted but setting time frames can create a sense of urgency and accomplishment when completed.

Example SMART Goals

Reminder: many of these goals may require prior goals before the client has the skills necessary to begin working on it. For example: A client might need to learn to type, complete units 1–5 in the technology curriculum, and complete units 6–9 in the curriculum before learning PowerPoint and Excel. Treating each goal with a sense of urgency is crucial to be able to reach larger goals in a timely manner.


  • Complete all lessons in the Code Master curriculum and recall all characters covered with 90% accuracy within 4 months.
  • Write a page of braille with 10 or fewer errors within 3 months.
  • Increase reading speed from 5–50 words per minute within 6 months.

Home management:

  • Prepare a full week’s worth-of lunches without assistance within the next month.
  • Prepare five different dishes using the stove without assistance; and demonstrate techniques for knowing when both ground beef and solid meats are thoroughly cooked within 3 months.
  • Learn about 3 different systems for labeling clothes and implement one of the client’s choosing within 2 months.


  • In order to become more proficient in cane travel, cross lighted and unlighted intersections without instructor assistance within two months.
  • In order to learn to use public transportation to travel to work and stores, take public buses independently to 6 different locations in the next 6 months.
  • Use a shopper’s assistant and purchase personal groceries without instructor assistance 3 times in the next 3 months.


  • Determine the best braille display for the client’s job by researching at least four displays and trying out two displays in the next three months.
  • Complete all alphabet, number, and special punctuation lessons in Talking Typer with a 95% accuracy rate within 3 months.
  • In order to learn to use Windows Narrator to take and edit notes and locate information on the web, complete sections 1 through 5 in the technology curriculum within 4 months.
  • Use Excel to manage client’s business, navigate and edit Profit and loss statements, write basic formulas, and complete an invoice within 3 months.
  • In order to learn PowerPoint and Excel in preparation for attending college, completing both units in the curriculum in three months.

Client signature: _____________________

Date: ______________________