List items for Young Adult Transition Program (4+) Frequently Asked Questions
YATP is designed for students who have completed the academic requirements to graduate from high school, but still have Individualized Education Plan (IEP) goals to achieve.
Typical student ages range from 17-21 years old.
Multiple 4PLUS programs, run by both high schools and community colleges, already exist throughout the state of Iowa serving students with disabilities. Unfortunately, these programs often have minimal experience working with blind students. This often results in lowered expectation and minimal provision, or awareness of the non-visual skills and training blind students need in order to be independent. As our state continues to grow so does the demand for skill training that can help pave the path to self-advocacy and independence for Iowan students. YATP accomplishes this by building and enhancing on student’s existing learning and practices while introducing new skills as well.
As with most students exiting high school, there are often deficits found within personal management, self-care, and essential skills simply due to lack of exposure and it being a transitionary time in their life. Due to this we’ve often found that some students who we serve don’t yet meet the requirements of the Adult Orientation Center, and can often find difficulty when making this transition. Given this deficit YATP allows additional support and teaching opportunities to review and explore such topics as fiscal responsibility, essential skills, home management, and personal care. Ultimately this allows us to be able to meet students where they are at on their current journey to independence and increased self-advocacy. Students who will be involved in YATP will often have an ongoing relationship with IDB or other agencies, which allows us to continue to build on this rapport and enhance the growth opportunities for each student.
Yes, our focus is on helping all students gain the blindness skills they need to achieve their employment goals. As we do in all of our programs, we will adapt our teaching strategies and techniques to best serve the learning needs of each individual student. Due to the majority of the student population served by this program having disabilities in addition to blindness, We work with school districts, service providers, and other partners to help the student obtain any strategies, tools, or techniques they need to succeed in life.
No. In order to attend YATP students must be able to independently manage any current medications that they take.
YATP will run throughout the course of the school year. Students may continue in YATP more than one year if their IEP goals have not been met, however, the objective is for the student to graduate and move on to the center, post-secondary education, or employment as soon as possible. The program provides uniquely dynamic training with practical and hands on experience combined with a positive attitude and philosophy regarding blindness.
During the day, students will work on activities related to achieving their IEP goals. This will be done across various classes such as: Braille, Technology, Cane Travel, Life Skills, and Career classes. In the evening students will shift into a structure home management modality where they will coordinate on meal prep, cleaning, attending events in the community, and personal care.
There is staff present to work with students during evenings and weekends.
Students in YATP will receive maintenance funds in order to assist with outings and expenses as well as learning fiscal responsibility and money handling.
No, YATP students have their own assigned kitchens as well as classrooms and workspaces all on the 2nd floor. YATP does not participate in the industrial arts class on a regular basis.