As a student in the Young Adult Transition Program (YATP) through the Iowa Department for the Blind (IDB) I understand my first priority while here in the program is to learn. I agree to the following code of conduct to ensure a safe learning environment that encourages success for both myself and my peers:

  • The young adult transition program has a zero tolerance policy regarding illicit drugs, alcohol, and weapons of any sort. I will not use these items while in the program or have any of these items on program property.
  • Tobacco use is not permitted on program property or while participating in program activities. Use of tobacco is allowed in the alley, and all materials must be disposed of properly.
  • I will not engage in physical violence of any kind.
    • Examples of physical violence include but are not limited to: hitting, shoving, biting, hair pulling, slapping, or anything that intentionally causes harm to another person.
  • I will use appropriate language that encompasses a positive learning environment.
    • Examples of inappropriate language include but are not limited to: racial slurs, curse words, insulting others, or using derogatory terms.
  • I will not engage in sexual behavior while on program property or while participating in program activities.
    • Examples of sexual activity include but are not limited to: kissing, inappropriate touching, or nudity while outside of my room or the bathrooms.
  • I will not discuss sexual behavior with other students.
    • Discussing sexual behavior includes discussing pornography or sharing sexually explicit texts or emails.
  • I will respect my classmate’s privacy and personal space. I will hang out with others only in shared common spaces. I will not enter another student’s room under any circumstances.
  • I will not purposely cause damage to the building or any of my learning materials.
  • I will respect myself, my peers, my instructors, and all program employees.
    • Examples of disrespectful behavior include: name calling, ignoring someone, threatening or intimidating others, making fun of another person, or making demands. 
  • I will be honest and truthful when speaking to instructors, peers, and program staff.
  • I understand that my peers are different than me, and I will respect their differences and their boundaries.
  • I know I will make mistakes; when I do so I will do my best to admit them and accept feedback.
  • I recognize that staff are human too and also sometimes make mistakes.
  • I will try my best to resolve conflicts with peers and staff. If I am unable to do so effectively, I will ask for help.
  • I will speak up when something is uncomfortable or bothering me. If I do not know how to communicate this effectively, I will ask staff for assistance.
  • I will try my best to be on time for classes, evening routines, activities, and outings. If I am going to miss or be late for a class, I will let my instructor know as soon as possible.
  • When I go somewhere, I will let staff know so they are aware in case of an emergency.
  • I will have all of the necessary materials to fully participate in class, evening routines, activities, and outings. 
  • I understand that classes, activities, outings, and evening routines will all positively benefit my learning. Showing up and engaging in these daily activities is expected for my success.
  • I understand that my sleep shades will need to be worn during travel class and some activities. I understand that the more time I spend wearing my shades, the more effectively I will learn. If I am struggling with this, I will talk with my instructors and ask for support.
  • I understand that I am expected to use my long white cane everywhere outside of my room and the common apartments; I will not leave a room without my cane.



Student Bill of Rights:


As a student in the Young Adult Transition Program at the Iowa Department for the blind I understand my rights are as follows:


  • I have the right to have a safe learning environment.
  • I have the right to have a safe living environment.
  • I have the right to have accessible tools that support my learning and growth.
  • I have the right to have accessible learning environments that support my growth.
  • I have the right to be respected by my peers and by my staff.
  • I have the right to be listened to.
  • I have the right to succeed.
  • I have the right to fail and make mistakes.
  • I have the right to express my emotions.
  • I have the right to ask for help
  • I have the right to solve conflicts with my peers and staff.
  • I have the right to advocate for my needs.
  • I have the right to investigate my decisions to make informed choices.
  • I have the right to ask why in any situation


Grievance Procedure:

If a student believes that his/her rights have been violated, that student may bring their concerns to the Education and Training Director. If a student has an accusation against the Education and Training Director, that student may bring their concerns to the Iowa Department for the Blind Director





I have read the Code of Conduct and Student Bill of Rights. I understand them both and have asked questions if I am unsure what something means. I recognize that the Code of Conduct exists in order to provide an environment where all students can learn, and I agree to abide by it during my training in the Young Adult Transition program. I also understand that serious violations of the code of conduct may result in the suspension or termination of my training at The Iowa Department for the Blind. Serious violations may include, but are not limited to: physical violence, use of illegal substances, sexual activity, and/or an unwillingness to follow through with program responsibilities over an extended period of time.


Signature: ______________________________


Date: ______________________________